July 26, 2012

Damon Albarn - Blur Will Still Be Playing live after the Olympics

Damon Albarn and Graham Coxon appeared on a brand new interview for BBC Two's Culture Show on July 25th 2012. Apart from the funny Leisure-era introduction clip at the beginning (note the floppy hair), the interview was serious, reflective and hinted at Blur's bright future. 

The interview's focus was on whether the band's comeback for the massive Hyde Park gig marks the 'end-of-Blur' or a new beginning. There's some interesting talk on 'Under the Westway' being Blur's "response to the London 2012 Olympics". There are even some clues as to what the band are going to do in the future.

The clip was recorded on the rooftop where the band played their hymn 'Under the Westway' live on July 2nd. The background features the very highway that inspired the song's theme. Damon and Graham, the key songwriters for the band, looked fresh and cheerful against the backdrop of a cloudy sky.

Damon also said that Muse's Olympics song may not be something they will "play in a few years time". He added - "We will still be playing Under the Westway".

"We will still be playing Under the Westway" 
- Damon Albarn on BBC July 2nd 

Hold on a second - could this mean Blur WILL be playing new shows with their brand new single in a few year's time ? This seems to imply Blur will be continuing to perform after the summer!

It is a very nice interview and generally what the boys said were very positive - they even said that the box set did not represent a 'goodbye present' to hardcore Blur fans, and that fans should "take it as they come" without assuming the end of Blur. Certainly, this is very ,very reassuring. 

But of course, one thing continues to remain unknown - will Blur truly continue to play after their summer shows ?

Could we take this Damon comment seriously ?

Order the new Blur vinyl HERE
The Puritan- new track HERE
Damon Albarn says it's the End of Blur! Read HERE
Is Damon and Graham Coxon recording together? Find out HERE
Check out Blur's rumoured new album HERE

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