July 16, 2012

Graham Coxon talks about Orbit- Blur feud

Graham Coxon has finally spoken about the Blur and William Orbit feud in a recent press interview. The Blur guitarist did a short question and answer for Vulture, and spoke about the new Blur songs, new sounds, opening for Noel Gallagher of Oasis fame and why (or why not) Blur may do a new album in the future.

grahamcoxon guitar, graham coxon blur

According to the article, Graham Coxon "personally seemed into the idea" of making a new Blur album. He said that the band were getting on "really well" these days, much better than during their comeback gigs in 2009. With regards to any possible new Blur album, here's what Coxon said: 

Plans for a new Blur album seem up in the air at the moment.
Up in the air, yeah.
What would you say is the biggest obstacle to the band recording a new album?
I don’t know. Maybe it’s time or the guts or pressing the fucking button and going, "Come on, let’s just bloody do it." It’s maybe the committing to it. It’s a frightening thought, because there’s kind of a pressure on us to record another one, and of course we quite like the idea. But what's stopping us is the pressure. People are saying they want [an album], and that’s making us panic. We like to create our stuff in a relaxed way. It’s no good trying to force stuff just because people want to hear it. It would be a big decision. Because we know what’d be coming after the recording: We’d have to do a lot of traveling and playing. Which is great fun, but it’s a big commitment, obviously. 
Who's the holdout? Which band member is the hardest to convince? It sounds like you're into the idea.
I tell you what — we’re all into the idea. There’s nothing wrong with the idea, it’s just the practicalities that get slightly scary. And if we do something, it’s got to be really good.
If you decided against an album, would you consider just releasing singles or EPs?
I think that’s probably not a very good idea, to keep doing that. I’m old-fashioned. I like an album to be a big slice of a time and place, and have a lot of development of ideas. These singles were recorded pretty quickly — too quickly for my liking — and I still get worried. I still come up with ideas for stuff after it's released. Taking our time on an album, that’s what I would like to do. I’d be really into making a record, but [sighs]. If people leave us alone to do it, I think it would be cool.
Coxon also talked about ex-Blur producer William Orbit's (album 13) recent angry tweets about Damon Albarn being a "pig" to the rest of Blur. The mystery of his twitter attacks is finally revealed - Orbit had a go at producing the band's new track 'Under the Westway' but it turned out to be "not what [Blur] were after". So, that was what happened back then.

Blur was in the studio a few months ago with William Orbit for a session that ended acrimoniously, at least according to his tweets. What happened?
We had a go at "Under the Westway." And we just didn’t like the way it turned out. We were just like, "Shit, this is not what we’re after." And we decided to go it alone.
What did it sound like?
I don’t know. [Laughs.] I don’t know what it sounded like, really. I didn’t hear it.
Click here to read the rest of the interesting interview, with more on Under the Westway, The Puritan, Noel Gallagher and also Graham Coxon's New York tour.

Also, check out William Orbit's version of 'Under the Westway' HERE and give it a listen. The producer posted this up on Soundcloud recently for all to hear. Like it or hate it - it's undeniable that both tracks sound and feel very different.

Order the new Blur vinyl HERE
The Puritan- new track HERE
Damon Albarn says it's the End of Blur! Read HERE
Is Damon and Graham Coxon recording together? Find out HERE
Check out Blur's rumoured new album HERE


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