July 6, 2013

Damon Albarn starts New Supergroup 'Fresh Touch'

Yet another new Damon Albarn side-project has been revealed, and this time it's for a good cause. The Blur frontman recruited American rock band Yeah Yeah Yeah's Nick Zinner, alternative band Franz Ferdinand's Alex Kapranos and Red Hot Chilli Pepper's Flea for his new collaboration "Fresh Touch". 

The four musicians will collaborate and release a one-off single named "Latest Style" together to raise money for Oxfam's Syria campaign. The renowned NGO is appealing to the public for donations to support 650,000 impoverished political refugees who have fled their country due to the violence and social unrest apparent in the last few months. 

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Damon's new project - working with Alex Kapranos for a new single titled "Latest Style"

The track will be released on 13th July 2013 under the guise Fresh Touch. It will be put on sale exclusively at the Independent Label Market, a fair taking place in London's Old Spitalfields Market next weekend. The fair, held twice a year, will showcase independent record labels from all around the UK. 

Flea, the Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist had previously worked with Damon on last year's Rocket Juice and the Moon album. 

Apart from Damon Albarn's new track, there will be nine more charity singles available for sale including a re-worked version of Tim Burgess's The Doors Of Then. 

For now, fans can only speculate on whether Damon will provide vocals, only music, backing vocals to the track, and whether he will choose to follow a more 'Gorillaz' approach for his new sound. 
"Latest Style" marks Damon's first official release since Gorillaz co-founder Jamie Hewlett confirmed last month that both Blur and Gorillaz will be recording new albums for the future.

Pick your best one-off track

For more details about the cause, head over to oxfam.org.uk/syria.

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