June 22, 2024

Blur's Best Live Performances: A Fan's Rockin' Rollercoaster Ride

Alright, buckle up, Blur fans! We’re about to take a whirlwind tour through Blur's most electrifying live performances – a journey filled with more twists and turns than a British soap opera. Get ready for a ride down memory lane, where the amps go up to eleven, and Damon Albarn's energy could power a small village.

First stop: Hyde Park, 2009. Picture this – it’s a sunny day (a rare treat in London), and you’ve got four Britpop legends reuniting after a long hiatus. The air was electric, the crowd was buzzing, and the band was on fire. They belted out hits like "Song 2," and let me tell you, the “woo-hoos” were heard across the English Channel. This wasn't just a concert; it was a full-on Britpop resurrection!

Flash forward to Glastonbury 2009. Blur on the Pyramid Stage is like fish and chips – quintessentially British and downright delicious. Albarn crying during "Tender"? That wasn't just rain on our faces; those were tears of Britpop joy, my friends.

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Now, let's talk about their 2012 Brit Awards performance. Blur received the Outstanding Contribution to Music award, and boy, did they show us why. They turned the awards show into their own personal rock fest. It was like watching your favorite uncle show up to a family reunion and absolutely nail a karaoke session.

We can't forget the magic of their 2015 show at the Hollywood Bowl. They brought a little piece of Britain to the City of Angels, and Los Angeles didn't know what hit it. It was a night of nostalgia, new hits from "The Magic Whip," and enough energy to light up the Hollywood sign.

And who could overlook their epic 2013 performance at Coachella? Blur in the desert was like a mirage of Britpop awesomeness – a sight to behold and a sound to be revered. The crowd was a sea of swaying bodies, all united by the power of "Parklife" and "Country House."

These live performances weren't just concerts; they were cultural milestones. They were moments where time stood still, and the only thing that mattered was the music. Albarn's charismatic presence, Graham Coxon's killer guitar riffs, Alex James' bass grooves, and Dave Rowntree's pounding drums – it was a recipe for live performance perfection.

Seriously, Blur’s live gigs are like a rollercoaster – they take you up, down, and all around, but you never want to get off. Each show is a reminder of why we fell in love with them in the first place. So, here’s to Blur – may they continue to rock our socks off and give us live performances that resonate through the ages. Now, if only we could get them to play at every backyard BBQ and family gathering. One can dream, right?

July 12, 2023

It Really Really Did Happen: Review of Blur Live At Wembley Stadium 9th July 2023

Let me tell you about the mind-blowing experience I had at Blur's reunion concert at Wembley Stadium on Sunday, 9th July 2023. It was an absolute blast from start to finish, and I'm still buzzing with excitement. As the much-anticipated Blur tour commenced in 2023, fans across the world eagerly awaited the band's performance at the iconic Wembley Stadium. The anticipation was palpable, and the excitement reached fever pitch as the day of the concert approached.

Blur's return to Wembley Stadium marked a momentous occasion, a celebration of their illustrious career and a testament to their enduring popularity. The band, consisting of Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, Alex James, and Dave Rowntree, had become synonymous with British music and had captured the hearts of fans for decades.

As soon as I entered the stadium, the atmosphere was electric. The anticipation was palpable, and the crowd's energy was infectious. When Blur finally took the stage, the entire place erupted with cheers and screams. It was like a collective eruption of pure joy.

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From the very first note, it was clear that Blur hadn't missed a beat. Their tightness and musicianship were on another level. Damon Albarn's captivating vocals, Graham Coxon's mesmerizing guitar riffs, Alex James' grooving basslines, and Dave Rowntree's impeccable drumming—all came together in perfect harmony. In fact, Damon Albarn sounded better than ever after his scratchy comeback in the Olympics. He has never sounded more like his old self than on Sunday.

Blur's setlist at Wembley Stadium was a carefully curated mix of hits, deep cuts, and surprises that showcased the band's musical prowess and their ability to create a connection with their audience. It was a testament to their enduring popularity and their status as one of Britain's most beloved bands.

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The setlist was an absolute treat, spanning their incredible career. Blur's setlist for their epic performance at Wembley Stadium was nothing short of extraordinary. The band curated a dynamic and diverse collection of songs that spanned their illustrious career, taking the audience on a thrilling musical journey. They kicked off the night with the infectious energy of "St. Charles Square," setting the tone for the exhilarating experience that lay ahead.

Classic hits like "There's No Other Way" and "Popscene" had the crowd immediately captivated, with fans singing along to every word. Blur showcased their versatility by delving into their extensive discography, treating the audience to lesser-known gems like "Tracy Jacks," "Villa Rosie," and "Trimm Trabb." These tracks reminded longtime fans of the band's innovative and eclectic sound, while also introducing new listeners to their diverse musical palette.

The setlist featured several beloved hits that have become synonymous with Blur's legacy. Songs like "Beetlebum," "Coffee & TV," and "Country House" had the stadium pulsating with energy, with fans dancing and singing with unbridled enthusiasm. One of the most memorable moments of the night was the performance of "Parklife," featuring a special guest appearance by actor Phil Daniels. The iconic collaboration brought the crowd to a fever pitch, as they enthusiastically joined in to sing along with the beloved anthem.

The encore segment of the setlist was equally captivating. The band returned to the stage with the heartfelt "Lot 105," followed by crowd favorites like "Girls & Boys" and "For Tomorrow." The performance of "Tender," featuring the soulful harmonies of the London Community Gospel Choir, was a truly transcendent moment that moved the audience to their core.

As the concert drew to a close, Blur left an indelible mark with their timeless classics "The Narcissist" and "The Universal." These final songs provided a poignant and cathartic end to an unforgettable night of music.

One of the absolute highlights was their explosive performance of "Song 2." The moment those iconic guitar riffs kicked in, the entire stadium exploded with energy. We all jumped and shouted along to every word. It was an adrenaline rush like no other.

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The visual production was a feast for the eyes. The stage design and lighting complemented the music perfectly, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere. The stunning visuals added depth and intensity to the performance, immersing us in a sonic and visual wonderland.

But what truly made the night extraordinary was the connection between the band and the crowd. The energy bouncing back and forth was incredible. Damon Albarn interacted with the audience, drawing us in and making us feel like a part of something special. We were all united by our love for Blur's music, and that feeling of camaraderie was simply magical.

Beyond the music, the visual production added an extra layer of grandeur to the spectacle. Stunning visuals, mesmerizing light displays, and an awe-inspiring stage setup enhanced the overall experience, transforming the concert into a multisensory feast.

As the final notes to The Universal (always the band's closing song) rang out, the crowd erupted in thunderous applause, their energy echoing throughout the stadium. The concert had exceeded all expectations, a triumphant celebration of Blur's legacy and a testament to their enduring impact on the music world.

Blur's performance at Wembley Stadium in 2023 will be etched in the memories of fans forever. It was a night of pure magic, a celebration of music and the unifying power it holds. The band's return to the legendary venue reaffirmed their place as one of Britain's most influential acts, leaving an indelible mark on the rich tapestry of music history woven at Wembley Stadium.

The performance itself was a testament to Blur's musical prowess and their ability to command a stage of such magnitude. Damon Albarn's charismatic presence, Graham Coxon's mesmerizing guitar skills, Alex James' infectious basslines, and Dave Rowntree's impeccable drumming created a sonic tapestry that enthralled fans old and new.

Leaving the concert, my heart was full, and my voice was hoarse from singing and shouting with thousands of other Blur fans. It was an experience I'll cherish forever, a night that reminded me why I fell in love with music in the first place. Blur's reunion concert at Wembley Stadium was an absolute triumph—a celebration of music, nostalgia, and the incredible power of shared moments.

SETLIST for Blur on 9th July 2023

1. St. Charles Square 2. There's No Other Way 3. Popscene 4. Tracy Jacks 5. Beetlebum 6. Trimm Trabb 7. Villa Rosie 8. Stereotypes 9. Out of Time 10. Coffee & TV 11. Under the Westway 12. End of a Century 13. Sunday Sunday 14. Country House 15. Parklife (with Phil Daniels) 16. To the End 17. Oily Water 18. Advert 19. Song 2 20. This Is a Low Encore: 21. Lot 105 22. Girls & Boys 23. For Tomorrow 24. Tender (with London Community Gospel Choir) 25. The Narcissist 26. The Universal

May 19, 2013

The Much-Anticipated Performance- Review: Blur live in Indonesia

The Much-Anticipated Performance: A Big Sound Festival 2013 Review
Written by Anisa Menur Maulani 

Exactly a year ago, my friend Cinita and I were sitting on the floor of my living room, watching the No Distance Left To Run DVD on a lazy Sunday. Look at all those happy faces, we said. They got to see the Blur gentlemen live, standing only a few meters away from them. When are we going to have the chance to do that?

Funnily enough, the answer came in February 2013, when entertainment and MICE giant Dyandra Entertinment and music promoter Sound Rhythm announced that Blur will headline the Big Sound Festival 2013 on May 15th 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Days seem to be fleeting, as we got closer to the night when our dream comes true. We have applied for a leave at work, and find ourselves unable to concentrate at anything. Then it finally happened. Twitter exploded with the news that the gentlemen had arrived, and there were photos swarming around of Damon smoking at the airport, Graham and Dave talking to their fans, and Alex doing a door-stop interview with the press.

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May 15th finally arrived and we were finally queuing in line in front of Lapangan D Senayan, where the concert will be held. Noted that Blur was not the only one performing at the event; their show was preceded by Van-She, Tegan and Sara, and The Temper Trap.

I could not speak much of Van-She’s performance, as I am not into their kind of music and thus was not interested in seeing them. But was Tegan and Sara and The Temper Trap were great; their songs were enjoyable, and the audiences seemed to be having a good time listening to them. These are the bands that are worthy of opening up an act as legendary as Blur, and the emotions that they built reached its peak just when the main show is about to begin.

My, how my hands shook and my stomach turned when they darkened the lights on stage and played Theme For Retro.

Then people began to scream “They were on the right side of the stage!”, and shadows moved onto the stage. Last thing we know, people were pushing themselves into front of the stage, and Girls and Boys was heard, closely followed by Popscene.

The atmosphere was crazy. Everyone was screaming; even guys in their twenties screamed like junior high school girls. We were dancing and jumping madly, and smartphones are all up in the air, because no one would want to miss anything.

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Damon Albarn 2013, damon albarn indonesia, blur indonesia

The situation calmed down a bit with Out of Time, only to then explode again as Damon jumped down from the stage during Country House. He ran up along the fence, greeting the maddening fans. He ended up perched on one corner as audiences grabbed his hands, trying to get a touch of the charismatic frontman (Someone was lucky enough to have his/her hat being taken by him). He also managed to shower us with water whenever he got close to the audience.

The encore started with their new single Under The Westway, which was my personal favourite that night. The encore was filled with mid-tempo songs like For Tomorrow and The Universal, and some people felt that show was much too short. Adding one or two more songs perhaps will be appropriate.

There were also complaints on the sound system, as there is a moment when Graham seemed to be struggling with his guitar. At some point during Parklife I was not able to hear any sound of the guitar; but thankfully it was only a minor glitch that did not hamper the whole show.

The Blur gentlemen did not talk much. Damon greeted us a couple of times, but there were not many things that he said. However, I find that “Tonight, you inspired me” was the most touching thing he said during the night. It feels great if he was able to feel our excitement for having waited to see them for up to 20 years. 

damon albarn 2013
blur indonesia review 2013, blur 2013 review, blur gig review, anisa menur maulani, blur jakarta, blur bigsoundfest review, blur concert review, blurindonesia, blur big sound festival, review blur, new blur

The show ended with the much-anticipated Song 2, which I believe was the soundtrack of everyone who lived through the 1990s. We jumped, we head-banged, we scream, we cried. The guys left the stage but we knew that we would keep this moment in our heart for as long as we lived.

It is wonderful to finally being given the chance to see Blur performing in your home country, and I congratulate Chile for being the latest addition in their tour!

Anisa Menur Maulani 
(@animenur on Twitter)
Images by Fariz Adnan 
(@andstage on Flickr)
May 15th 2013  

Went to a Blur concert in 2013? Have a picture for us to feature? Write a review for us and get published. Contact us! Blur Tour 2013 - Full dates and rundown  HERE
