February 22, 2025

Funny Blur Quotes

Dive into the witty world of Blur with these hilarious quotes that perfectly encapsulate the band's quirky spirit and Britpop essence. Get ready for a chuckle-filled journey!

"You don't have to go now, sit here and tell me how great I am!" - Dave.

"At the end of the day, not only do we write great songs, but we have a natural strangeness about us that makes us interesting." - Damon.

"The trick with Graham is to give him the illusion he's creating a racket." - Damon.

"We've always been too friendly, too clever and too good-looking for a lot of people." - Alex.

"Of course I'm a hedonist. What else is there to live for? The rest is just killing time." - Graham.

"I have to say that I find it easy to write a great hook. Sometimes I'll write something and say to myself, "It shouldn't be this easy". I don't know, the songs just come out." - Damon.

"You know, it occurred to me recently that Noel now lives in a big, big house, a very big house in the country. The old wonderwall's looking a bit sad too." - Alex.

"We're a very post-modern thing. There's a line in "Repitition", "Try try try, all things remain the same, so why try again?", adapted from Beckett. I sensed that one Christmas morning when I was 18 being chased across my old school field by my old girlfriend's irate father. I was drunk and had wanted to tell her I loved her. There's an enormous emotional reason behind that song, but does the world give a f***?" - Damon.

"People say we're the Rolling Stones and that Blur are the Beatles. We're the Stones AND the Beatles. They're the f***ing Monkees!" - Noel Gallagher.

"Science hasn't been hip for a long time. It'd be good if everyone could point to the Pole Star at a certain time every day. It'd be good to have a feeling of universal orientation." - Alex.

"Oh dear, I think we're going to claim we've invented everything again." - Dave.

"I went to drama school so at some point I always felt I would act. I had to really, my mum was very upset when I left drama school. I found it very difficult the first week; then I just sort of allowed myself to relax and it was enjoyable after that. It's very difficult thing performing onstage compared to acting on screen." - Damon.

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"I don't exist. Literally every day I read something that tells me I'm not real." - Damon.

"We offer everything that all other bands together offer - we've got it all." - Damon.

"I'd hate to be a rock band. It's like saying 'I only drink beer' when I like to drink sherry sometimes." - Damon in 1995 (he's changed his tune now though...).

"Blur aren't even one of those bands I detest." - Mat from Suede.

"I am rich. I f***ing am. There's no point in denying it." - Damon.

"I'm the George Harrison of the group. I don't do backing vocals because I prefer to look cool and smoke a fag." - Alex.

"We actually got more column inches than Bosnia" - Damon on the "Blur vs. Oasis" hype.

"Tortoise are an excellent band. It was a case of friends sending me compilation tapes and me going out and getting, like, albums by Slint - a band who really use guitars, which not many people do at the moment, especially in Britain. Here you'd be hard-pushed to find someone doing anything exciting with a guitar." - Graham.

"I love dogs, but I couldn't eat a whole one. Ha ha!" - Damon.

"I hate Bush." -Alex James.

"If I could be on the cover of Smash Hits with anyone it would be Damon Albarn... and my boyfriend is going to kill me when he sees this! I said in another interview Damon's really cute and he's getting paranoid about it. It's just a fantasy, like lots of girls fancy Brad Pitt. I'll probably never meet him, and someone told me that's just as well, 'cos Justine wouldn't be happy!" - Dannii Minogue.

"We love each other too much too get married." - Damon about Justine Frischmann.

"They [comets] just look good, a bit like the Spice Girls - they don't support any intelligent life." - Alex.
"What do we stand for? So we don't lie down all the time!" - Damon.

"I prefer Blur's attitude. They seem to be more level about it all. But I don't know any of them, I'm just talking about their image. I think Blur are more responsible for younger people - that's important." - Jason Orange (from Take That) comparing Blur and Oasis.

"I still tread in dog's mess occasionally." - Alex.

"Pop people, we're pop people." - Damon.

"When I think of the fans here in Canada ... I think of obsessive psychos." - Graham.

[What albums have you liked this year?] "Blur. Best album they've done in a while. Anything that's got more of Graham's guitar-playing, I'm bound to like. [You're quite similar as guitar players...] I watched him play at the Tibetan Freedom Festival, and he seemed to get lost in it all, and it was the most exciting thing I've seen. Yes please. I'd love to be compared to him." - Jonny Greenwood (Radiohead).

"Life's a sauna, and then you have a shower." - Alex.

"Don't talk to any funny men." - Graham.

On the Britpop days - "I was unbearable at that point, impossible to live with, it was disgusting behaviour; we knew we could get away with murder and that was a very bad signal to give out. We felt like we turned everything round and were being credited for everything that happened at the time, and we were drinking with people whose pictures we'd had up on our walls. That first flush of success was as good as it was ever going to get. Happy days." - Alex.

"I thought he (i.e. Damon) was the handsomest boy I'd ever seen in my life." Justine Frischmann.

"I've always been charmed by Liam." - Damon.

"I think art is unnecessary and too expensive. I would advise you to stop painting and start gardening or rock climbing, remember to eat lots of greens." - Alex.

"I'll have her (i.e. Justine Frischmann), I'm miles bettter than the idiot she goes home with every night. She told me I was the rudest bloke she'd ever met. She thinks I'm a scally but her curiousity will get the better of her." - Liam Gallagher.

"I used to go to loads of parties and when I got there Graham would be lying on the floor like a human doormat." - Damon.

"Seymour was the more radical, non-bite sized, unfriendly face of Blur" - Alex.

"Damon can't breakdance. Damon - terrible video [On your own], you can't wear a Kangol, please stop trying to breakdance. It's f**king horrendous. And I tell you what Damon, if you see me you can f**king look me in the eye and tell me that, cause it's f**kin' terrible. I hope the f**king tax man takes him for everything he's got." - Goldie.

"Melodic and slightly irrelevant." - Alex described Blur's sound of 1995.

"I like things to repulse people, to upset and move them. I don't want to give people an identity, I want to give them a crisis." - Damon.

"I've only ever been in love with one person and that's Justine." - Damon.

"I'm not the famous one." - Graham.

October 11, 2024

Best Damon Albarn Quotes About Work

Dive into the mind of Damon Albarn, the visionary behind Blur and Gorillaz, through his own words. These 20 quotes offer a glimpse into his unique perspective on music, life, and art, revealing the depth and ingenuity of a true musical maverick.

  1. "I used to go to work and take heroin in the studio and then stop when I came home."

  2. "Well, as resources inevitably disappear [in Africa], people have to make do with a lot less. You have to be much more ingenious with a lot less, and accept that you can't get your perfect tuna sandwich on a street corner."

  3. "I was going through a breakup. I was depressed... I really did need to do something. Recording an album was a great escape. I don't know what would have happened if I wouldn't have started to work."

  4. "I'm an English songwriter/composer, working in Mandarin and trying to find something about Chinese culture that I really relate to and respect and feel some genuine emotions for - and it's quite hard, the pentatonic scale, and that, in a way, is why I think it works."

  5. "I used to be younger than my producers but now I'm older than my producers and I think that works for me, that works better cause you get a good kick up the ... everyday."

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  1. "I'm slightly ambivalent to the whole relationship between the whole advertising world and music. I think sometimes it works and sometimes it's a really bad mismatch."

  2. "I'm not really one of those people who believes that if you're a musician you can just leave that behind and start getting into politics."

  3. "The cartoon is a metaphor really for the fact that it's almost impossible in our celebrity-obsessed culture to move around genres and sort of change your ideas, change your face, you know?"

  4. "When you're doing a deal with someone in the southern Sahara, it's a very different way of doing business than in London. You can't sign them in the usual way because they'd end up getting ripped off, which would defeat the object of setting up a label like this."

  5. "Being in Blur has allowed me to travel and hear the music that’s being made all over the world."

  6. "As soon as it sounds fine, I’m on to the next thing, man."

  7. "It’s not like my old self – I’m not in character anymore, I’m me. I’m not hiding behind that anymore."

  8. "I was approached by Oxfam to go to Mali as their ambassador and get involved in their various initiatives out there."

  9. "Music is something that should speak for itself, straight from the heart."

  10. "I don’t need to be a frontman all the time, and in fact, the older I get, the less of an urge it is inside me to play that role."

  11. "Whenever you’re writing something that’s reflective, you have to put yourself through some sort of ordeal just to understand the way you’re feeling."

  12. "I spent two years figuring out how I could turn it into something that would satisfy me as a musician but also make some kind of cross-cultural link."

  13. "More and more, cultural groups are cross-pollinating, and we’re getting much more interesting art as a result."

  14. "The whole period has taught me that I enjoy being part of an ensemble rather than just a front man."

  15. "I like to go to Africa purely with something to do. I’m not very comfortable getting into an armor-plated Land Rover and going to see things, with my hand gel, you know, it’s not me at all."

September 13, 2024

Top 20 Damon Albarn Quotes About His Music And Life

Here are 20 quotes by Damon Albarn, reflecting his thoughts on music, life, and creativity:

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  1. "The things that make me happy most are my family and working."
  2. "If you don't see something as a career but as an important part of your life, you don't know how you're going to feel about it." 
  3. "There's always been a hip-hop element to my trousers." 
  4. "I have to wear a new T-shirt every night. I throw them into the audience. One day I'm going to go around the world and reclaim all my T-shirts." 
  5. "What you learn from working with other performers and musicians is invaluable, really, and can only help you grow." 
  6. "Each individual has their own opinions about whether war is an answer to any problems. Personally I think it's a waste of time." 
  7. "No, every album is something like a snapshot. It only shows one moment in time." 
  8. "Yeah. You've seen The Sun today; I've got myself a big house, settled down. Apart from the odd night out with the New Fathers' Club, I'm a family man now." 
  9. "The whole Gorillaz concept is one for mavericks; it's a way for people who never have a chance to work together being able to ally behind the cartoons." 
  10. "Every time I go to Africa, I see the future. I see what the Western world is going to become. It's a very futuristic place." 
  11. "Trying to write music that's sensitive to 400 years ago takes a bit of madness, as it's such a long stretch of time."
  12. "I've always been inspired by different cultures and their musical traditions. Diversity is what makes our world so beautiful."
  13. "My goal is to constantly evolve as an artist and explore new sounds and ideas." 
  14. "Music has the ability to transport you to different places and evoke a wide range of emotions." 
  15. "The best songs are the ones that connect with people on a personal level. They become a part of their lives."
  16. "Failure is just a part of the creative process. It's through our mistakes that we learn and grow." 
  17. "I believe that art should challenge people's perceptions and make them think." 
  18. "Being in Blur has allowed me to travel and hear the music that’s being made all over the world." 
  19. "It’s not like my old self – I’m not in character anymore, I’m me. I’m not hiding behind that anymore." 
  20. "The cartoon is a metaphor really for the fact that it’s almost impossible in our celebrity obsessed culture to move around genres and sort of change your ideas, change your face, you know?" 


June 5, 2021

Best Damon Albarn Quotes Of All Time

Damon Albarn has always had a way with words. He has said so many memorable things over his musical career. Here are some of the highlights from the man himself. 

1. "I must admit that I always found it incredibly easy to get off with girls. When you’re a teenager, picking up girls is a bit like getting run over by a large vehicle. You see a juggernaut approaching and you have to know when to throw yourself under it. I always seemed to know when to throw myself on the floor and get what I wanted." (on getting girls)

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2. "I don’t feel anything with a passion. I’m not a very passionate bloke. I can’t bring myself to actually believe in passion." (on his interests)

3. "Life is very different in my home. My status is extremely different. I’m not taken very seriously, in a good way. I walk around in my pants, which my daughter finds highly embarrassing. I’m just a normal, down-to-earth dad." (on fatherhood)

top damon albarn quotes, blur quotes, funny blur, damon albarn quotes, New Blur Quotes, Funny Blur Quotes, best damon albarn quotes, blur quotes

4."I’m actually really passionate about puppets. I had these puppets made of me when I was in Jakarta. I originally wanted to use them in a video for a song on the album, 'Hollow Ponds', which has a strong dateline of me growing up. So now I’ve got these ten puppets of me at home – and one of Barack Obama. I may turn it into a puppet show for kids. I love puppets." (on his passions)

5."That’s just been lost this year. I think that, even though we’re not necessarily aware of it at the time, we all evolve when something like this happens." (on Covid lockdowns)

top damon albarn quotes, blur quotes, funny blur, damon albarn quotes, New Blur Quotes, Funny Blur Quotes, best damon albarn quotes, blur quotes

6."When you’re in an indie band it’s like a marriage, you know? You’re married to everything about it. I was just at the front being a fucking knobhead frontman for quite a long period of time." (on Blur)

7."I was always accused of being a bit of a dilettante back in the day. I never really saw it like that. I was just interested in lots of different things, and I wanted to see how I could somehow articulate my own thing through other things. No one actually comes up with something that reinvents music." (on music)

top damon albarn quotes, blur quotes, funny blur, damon albarn quotes, New Blur Quotes, Funny Blur Quotes, best damon albarn quotes, blur quotes

8."Rock is the easy option. You can write mediocre songs, mumble words, put a lot of attitude into it and be successful. But pop is so much more of an expose. If 'Girls and Boys hadn't had something to say and the sounds that we used hadn't been thought through, it would have been embarrassing." (on writing pop songs)

9. "I don't think anybody understood the irony. I seriously doubt it. Modern Life Is Rubbish [1993] and Parklife [1994] were angry records. The Great Escape [1995, number one in the UK, and Blur's biggest-selling album worldwide to date] was a rather cynical album, everything seemed to be going down hill, and I was cynical, too cynical." (on his albums)

top damon albarn quotes, blur quotes, funny blur, damon albarn quotes, New Blur Quotes, Funny Blur Quotes, best damon albarn quotes, blur quotes

10. "We were together for eight years. Eight years are a long time, a very long time. Especially if the relationship is as public as our relationship was. I went through a phase where I thought I've got to justify my feelings, everything I invested in that relationship. As a musician usually music is your way out." (on his ex-girlfriend Justine Frischmann)

May 19, 2016

Top 10 Damon Albarn Quotes - New Blur Quotes 2016

Funny Blur Quotes, New Blur Quotes, funny blur, blur quotes, damon albarn quotes, top damon albarn quotes,

Damon Albarn is known for his short, snappy interviews, mysterious ways and sometimes awkward and outlandish suggestions. This is, of course, bearing in mind that he is one of the greatest musicians in England at the moment. Here are some insightful and beautiful quotes from some of his latest interviews in 2015 and 2016.

1. "Everyone was using the flashes on their cameras, so there was this moment, like a mania, when everyone started flashing-flashing-flashing and you could see it down the coast. In itself, it was kind of a magnificent event" - on the last solar eclipse of the century in 1999.

Albarn always has his way with words. Nostalgic Albarn is even more sentimental.

2. “When I’m lonely, I press play." 

Self-explanatory really, though don't get misled from the sexual innuendo. No, we don't think Albarn means something in another context. Really. Albarn admits it in one of the album's singles, the jet-lagged video for which he shot on his iPad.

3. "Actually, a lot of Gorillaz songs were very personal. I mean, that’s why it was interesting, because it wasn’t music being made for a cartoon. It was something different. It was a much more emotional affair. I wasn't necessarily thinking in the third-person then."

4. "Let’s say I believe in the presence of other things. But have I seen a fairy? I’m not going to tell you ...” - when asked whether he believed in fairies in Hong Kong.

5. “No, nothing about Alex annoys me. He’s one of my dearest friends, but I don’t know what Alex’s political views are. We do music, not politics. We’re not a four-piece political act. So whether we agree or disagree is neither here nor there. Besides, I don’t surround myself with people who agree with me. Where’s the fun in that?” - on Alex James's quirks.

6. "Religiously, 10:30AM-5:00PM. I get anxious if it gets to quarter to six” - on his schedule. We see the perfectionist creeping back out of him.

7. "We’re in a moment of extraordinary transition as a species, and what is the outcome of that? Are we going to become closer to ourselves or are we going to become more distant?” - on Everyday Robots and its inspiration. We think Damon is going on a bit of a rant here.

8. "Do you spend all your day talking to everybody as opposed to actually doing something? Is that something that just teenagers do, or will people grow out of it? It only really just occurred to me and it’s probably just a load of old bollocks, but I have been thinking that the reason we had so many big cults back when I was younger is because there was no social media, and that was a way of feeling you were in a community. But now to become part of a community is so much easier." - on questioning the existence of social media.

9. "I have great respect for anyone who makes a fantastic musicial... but I never said that I hate modern musicals." - on BBC Breakfast, defending his hatred for modern musicals.

10. Not a quote- but a little clip:

Do share!

April 23, 2013

Blur quotes - Funny Blur quotes

"I made a point of drinking two bottles of champagne a day for eighteen months. England only imports something like 100,000 bottles a year so I reckon I drank 1 percent of England's total champagne import."Alex.

"We rarely actually finished a gig, completely. There was always a point where everything... I either got trashed, I'd be sick, or somone'd get hit over the head, or the electricity would go. It was almost a sort of failure if we got to the end of a gig, really." - Damon on the early days.

"Pop stars shouldn't act, just like actors shouldn't sing." - Robert Carlyle, leading actor in Damon's film debut "Face".

"We were totally convinced of our genius, but are getting less and less so as the years go by." - Alex.

"We're bigger than the holes in Swiss cheese." - Graham.

"Alex is God with a fringe." - Adam Benzine, member of Blur fan club.

"Irony is just saying things that aren't true for comic effect. But people then assumed that everything we were saying A) wasn't true and B) we were just saying to be funny." - Dave.

"There's always been a bit of a hip-hop element to my trousers." - Damon.

"Graham Coxon is a total wanker [because he didn't kiss her on the cheek when they met]. He has a confused mind and he can stick it up his tiny arse"- Justine Frischmann, to which Graham responded: "Kissing people on the cheek is so last century."

"It was more Levis than the other chart stuff which was kind of cyber wear." - Graham on "Tender".

"["Tender" is] a tribute to how important something was in my life. It's a celebration of love found and lost but not forgotten." - Damon.

"I saw these four lunatics jumping all over the place, falling over, and thought: 'Don't know why, but this is good!'! - Andy Ross, Food records, on first seeing Seymour.

"The best thing about being in a band is that you can allow your insanities to develop. And get paid for it." - Alex.

On the time at Goldsmiths with Damien Hirst and Sam Taylor-Wood- "We spent two years staying up all night, doing performance art and talking about Willem de Kooning. We used to say in a snidey way "there's a lot of genius wandering round here", and in a way, it turned out there was." - Alex.

"...Iggy Pop fronting the Monkees..." - "What's on" magazine describing Blur in 1990.

"I'm very sexy in the morning." - Damon.

"When you're young you don't mind being pretentious, but it gets a little bit embarassing as you get older."Graham.

"I'm really enjoying my thirties. I spent my whole twenties going nuts, but being completely pissed isn't such a good look when you're 32 as when you're 22. Wait til you're my age and you'll be running round the park." - Alex.

"What do i think of the new Blur album? It's brilliantly patchy. I think 'Trimm trabb' is amazing. 'Coffee and tv' is my kind of song. And I think 'Caramel' is amazing. Even with my naive knowledge of drugs, Caramel must stand for drugs. It's a good career move - distancing themelves from the rat race. They seem a bit more mythical for doing it." - Nicky Wire, Manic Street Preachers.

"In our minds we were making reasonably left-field, arty pop music. And yet we were getting screamed at as if we were a bunch of tough guys singing ballads with a dance routine. Graham got upset. Alex liked it. I just thought it was really inappropriate." - Dave on the "Parklife" hysteria.

"We're contemptible show-offs. We change with the wind. We're good-looking and we say we are. We're clever and we say we are. We're not clever and we say we are." - Alex.

"Great company is the most precious thing there is." - Alex.

"Graham is a real fan. He hardly dared talk to me. But the French magazines sitll managed to make up some story about us. And Damon is so cute, he looks just like my son." Francoise Hardy.

"Be careful doing that floatie thing!" - Graham.

"...when Kurt Cobain died, one of the things that surprised me was how upset everyone was - whatever their background. It showed me how fragmented the world is all the rest of the time, and if there's a key to the Nineties I think it's that perpetual insecurity. Never have people thought so hard about their lives and come to such indecision, or felt further apart. We're powerless and confused - by politics and work and sex and even things like morality. It there's going to be an epitaph for the Nineties, it will be 'By the end, we all felt like victims'." - Damon.

"Working with Graham Coxon, it began to dawn that I had met the best guitarist I'd worked with since Johnny Marr. I rate him as the best guitarist around. He plays things Johnny wouldn't even think of." - Stephen Street, Blur's (ex-)producer.

"It's got more to do with working hard than being a genius, that's the thing that gets to me. I thought you just had to be a genius." - Alex.

"We couldn't really play that well when we were signed. We could hardly get through a full show without Damon being sick or things getting unplugged and ruined. God knows why we were signed on the strength of that." - Graham.

On Damon and Graham's daughters - "For every baby song, I'm gaving an aeroplane song. - Alex.

"In their bass player Alex they have a dickhead of such magnitude that even Gazza seems bearable." - some Scottish magazine in 1990 (see "3862 days").

"Women are f**king amazing creatures." - Damon.

"I think all music is good really." - Alex.

"Blur are really pretty good. But it ain't the future. Blur are merely the present of rock and roll." - Andrew Collins, NME reviews "Leisure".

"We just can't resist being silly." - Graham.

"I've always known I'm incredible special and if I didn't think we were the best band in the universe I wouldn't bother."Damon

"I don't mind Blur, they're a good pop group. I know they beat us to Best Indie Band in the Smash Hits poll, I'm glad they did. We're not a bloody indie band - we're a rock group. And anyway, we've only been at it a few months, whereas Blur have been going for four years, and they've only just got Indie band of the year this year. That's sad. They beat us to Best Album as well? Aw, we'll come back and get 'em next year." - Liam Gallagher to Smash Hits in 1994.

"What is 40 ft long, has no pubes, and screams dead loud? The front row of a Blur concert!" - Alex.

"When I'm 60, I want to be a cool old man." - Graham.

"Blur did great. I was looking at them thinking, 'Look how drunk they are!' Good luck, Blur, man. Excellent. Nice one."Marti Pellow of Wet Wet Wet on the Brit Awards 1994.

"The first time I stayed at Damon's, he took me for a drive and crashed, and then told me he didn't have a driving license - so I had to tell his mum I did it." - Alex.

"[on William Orbit] I didn't get told to f***ing grow up, which I have done in the past. So I liked him." - Graham.

"They're a great pop band. "Girls and boys" was a good pop song, you know? But they're not as good as us." - Liam Gallagher.

"Once you've mastered the basics of one instrument, you discover that they all speak the same language. It would be great to go on the road with them all, but it's not exactly rock. Plus, you can't smoke while you are playing them." - Alex.

"I don't think anyone who has ever counted drinking amongst their hobbies has never kissed a man." - Dave.

"Damon's such a pop tart!" - Justine Frischmann.

"Being in a band is rubbish." - Damon.

"The thing I really like about this band is that every time I walk out of my door I bump into Graham, no matter where I am! That always reassures me." - Alex.

"He's so attractive, oh really he is... Ahhhh... How nice-looking is he!" - Francoise Hardy on Damon.

"When our third album comes out our position as the quintessential English band of the 90's will be assured." - Damon in 1990 (and how right he was!)

"Being in a band is like being a matador. You go out there and if you pull it off the glory is quite spectacular. But at the same time noone's going to feel sorry for you if you get gorged in the stomach." - Damon.

" "I go to sleep" features a piano accompaniment by Damon. Isn't he good?"Chrissie Hynde, The Pretenders.

"Mr [Bernard "Suede"] Butler was Blur's guitar roadie for two years... he spent hours crying on my doorstep for us to take him on tour." - Graham.

"We're just boozers, really."Damon.

"Blur are genetically incapable of being crap" MelodyMaker (?).

"Up until Parklife we were bunking the tube." - Alex on Blur's poorer days.

"I never got along well with the lads at school, I was always called gay." - Damon.

"I hate Blur and Stereolab and all those art school knobheads."Mani of the Stone Roses.

"Rick Astley was quite affable." - Alex.

"We've always seen ourselves as putting on white coats and going into the lab." - Damon.

"Their great strength is they are a band. They hang out together naturally and whatever they do together works." - Stephen Street, Blur's (ex-)producer.

"I don't mind kissing men at all." - Damon.

October 27, 2012

Top 15: Funniest Dave Rowntree Quotes

  1. I'm always naked underneath my clothes.
  2. I like to be in bed by midnight. Mind you, I like to balloon around the world bathing in a huge vat of lime jelly, and that doesn't happen too often either.
  3. [When he painted 'Dave' on his cheek at the 1995 Brit Awards, mimicking Prince's 'Slave'] We have a lot in common. EMI won't release my solo album either.
  4. If there's a technical problem with the band I usually get the first phone call. If it's about going to a party then Alex will get the first call, if it's a TV show in Milan then Damon will get the first call and... I can't really think what Graham would get the first call about. I suppose it would be, 'Will you get out of bed, you're late'. That's when Graham would get the first call.
  5. There's always a Jimmy from Quadrophenia lookalike at our gigs. Last night's was brilliant. Looked like him, talked like him, wore exactly the same clothes. Never seen the film... (1994)
  6. (When asked has he ever kissed any band members) I’ve kissed them all, and most of the crew. Doesn’t mean we’re engaged or anything.
  7. I spend about an hour a week answering questions and Alex spends an hour writing his diary. Damon spends an hour picking his nose. I don’t find an hour nearly enough for that
  8. We tried to give each other nicknames a couple of years ago, but we couldn’t remember to use them. I was carrot, Damon was ape. The others are lost in the mist of time.
  9. I can only live with girls. I have a wife and three girl cats. If I ever have kids I will have the boys adopted. Anyway, there’s less red, and more pink on my head these days.
  10. (When asked which musician he’d like to collaborate with, dead or alive) I’d like to collaborate with a dead person if I had the chance. I would get more say in the outcome.
  11. "If you want to impress a woman, just say 'barometer'!" - on Women
  12. "I don't think anyone who has ever counted drinking amongst their hobbies has never kissed a man." 
  13. "I'm sensible and quiet. Alex likes cheese. They're all stereotypes. I suppose if you'd have to reduce your entire existence to one paragraph those words wouldn't be in it." 
  14. (Do you smoke? Probably, you do, but have you ever tried to quit smoking?) "I used to smoke. I quit five-ish years ago. Now I run twenty miles a week, and I have nipples as hard as steel." 
  15. "That's not how we goof around. In general we don't leapfrog all over each other and carry brightly coloured umbrellas. That's not our normal gooding modus operandi. We're more cerebral when we goof. That is sort of us artificially goofing." Dave - on Parklife's music video, July 2012 (Blur 21 interview). 

September 29, 2012

21 things you didn't know Graham Coxon said - Quotes

Graham Coxon, the quiet, shy guitarist from Blur. Contrary to what most people think, Graham has actually said a good many things that are hilarious, deep and memorable. Sometimes they are downright strange! Here's our list of the top 21 things you didn't know Graham Coxon has said.

1. "Watching Noel Gallagher play, he has too much fucking respect for the instrument. To get the best out of a guitar, you've got to fucking hate it as well."

2. "There we're so many weird things going on at that time, if Damon turned into a lizards with a mod suit I wouldn't have been surprised" - On Britpop 

3. "We can make good music together but God knows what might happen if we tried to make music individually, it'd be shit." 

4. " Alex used to say such awful things. When he would be booking a hotel he would say that his name was Alex Frombler and that depressed me and when we were doing Budokan he would tell me how much we were getting paid for the show. Those things ate away at me" 

5. " We rode the pop-horse until it dropped dead"

6. "Damon will always have extremes. When we were at school together, he would always be duffed up in the toilets. We used to go out on the town and he'd get beaten up by the New Model Army crew. We used to go to a pub called The Cups, and every time I went there with Damon he'd go to the bog and he'd have his beating up. And he'd go: 'Graham, Graham, I've just been beaten up.' And I'd go: 'Oh my God.' So he'd go: 'I'm going'. And I'd say: 'No, stay, have another drink.' And then he'd go, and I'd stay behind and get drunk with the people who beat him up."

7. "I used to have a cat called Bastard. He ran away."

8. "I like it when girls go "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." - a very young Graham

9. "It seems that Damon and I are going to be in each other's lives musically forever, in some way or other. Whether it's with Blur or without Blur or sort of like the Old Gits, probably. Which is quite an amusing thought. We just get on very well, especially musically." 

10. "I only eat beef when I'm in Texas." 
grahamcoxon2012, graham coxon blur, graham coxon clothing, coxon glasses

11. Dave is a mid-21st-century kind of guy. Alex is definitely late 20th. I can imagine Damon strutting about in the 18th century, wearing tall powdered wigs, lace ru es on his shirts. I'm quite medieval compared to them, especially about technology. I think most technology is rubbish. It's supposed to improve our lives but it just makes it worse. (on why the four members of Blur are from different centuries. )

12. Of course I'm a hedonist, what else is there to live for? The rest is just killing time.

13. Most of America don't even listen to music probably. They just go raccoon hunting or something.
14. He didn't really have any friends. He had it hard because of his name too, which people would make jokes about. 'All Bran' and stupid kids' stuff. The skins would kick him about in the toilets and hold him down and write '666' on his forehead. That's probably why he's so scared and such an emotional wreck. I thought he was a really great bloke. I'd never known anyone like him. That kinda happens with me except its chavs that do it to me and they draw glasses and a scar on my head because of my name Harry, and those 'smart' people call me Harry Potter. I can relate to Damon in many ways, its ashame that's one. I know how he feels...

15. 'Pikachu, it's just saying it's own name, like Craig David, over and over again. Little egoist' - MTV Cribs 

16. "My next album is only going to be understood by a certain race of elves." 

17. “Damon and I especially have done that. I’d give him lovebites and he’d give me lovebites. A cruel trick. But it’s never really soberly. And after kissing him… it’s a bit like when farmers force sheep into sheep dips. When they come out the other side they’re probably quite similar to how I feel after kissing him. To quote Justine, he’s a washing machine mouth. He’s got a very large tongue, you see, and I haven’t.”  - On Kissing Men

18. "I've never stuck with any particular look. I want long and short hair - at the same time" - on Looks 

19. “My new album, A+E, is very English. If it was an outfit, it would be some battered Oxford brogues with a toe cap, a Velvet Underground T-shirt and any old Levi’s.” - on A+E

20. “I’m one of those self-conscious people who needs drink before I can [dance]. I used to dance a lot to The Smiths when I was a teenager. And The Jam, I used to go to a lot of mod clubs and stuff. But as soon as I got mildly famous it just stopped. I got self-conscious, I dance at home…” - on Dancing and Shyness 

21. “My hobby is my job…. it’s a jobby!” - on being a musician 

More Blur quotes coming on this page

Check out our Top 30 Damon Albarn quotes HERE 
