May 2, 2012

Graham Coxon narrowly escapes death from burning hotel

In the 90s, the media reported Graham Coxon's narrow escape from death - Graham was photographed getting hit by a car during an evening out. Here at BlurBalls, we dug up from his archive interviews what Graham said on his first near death experience:

Jamie: Have you ever been in a car crash?
Graham: I was run over when we signed our first record deal - it was almost the shortest career in the world. I was around Notting Hill Gate and I found myself bashed up into the sky and landing on the road.
Alan: Were you driving?
Graham: No, I was just drunk - walking in the road and this copper said 'Hey sonny, wake up' and I said 'Am I dead?' and he said 'No, but you've had a nasty knock, son. We're taking you to hospital.'
Jamie: Were you alright?
Graham: I had huge concussion - this Irish nurse was wheeling me around the hospital for hours doing tests. I just kept asking her to marry me all the time. There's nothing so good when you're drunk and concussed as an Irish voice. Not one of the harsh ones, but the soft ones.

Now, in 2012, he has done it again. A huge fire destroyed the seafront Best Western Hotel in Falmouth, Cornwall yesterday, and Graham Coxon narrowly got away, yet again. Staff and guests, including the Blur guitarist, was evacuated and no one was hurt.

On Coxon's official twitter page, he, who is performing at Princess Pavilion in the town, wrote: "We have rooms at the beach hotel and had to leave."
He later tweeted: "We watched it... We had to leave the foyer and then watch it get worse and worse... rather sad."
Watch the video clip, and listen to an appropriate Graham Coxon song below. Graham Coxon's luckily unscathed!  
Read Damon's full Guardian interview deeming the end of Blur HERE

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April 26, 2012

Gorillaz to make a new album - Damon Albarn on the future of his bands

BLUR NEWS: It's official - Blur is not over! Furthermore, Gorillaz will record another record in the future, even though the date is not announced yet; Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn has repaired their relationship and amended differences and all seems bright and well. 

The Metro featured a plain, no-nonsense interview with Damon Albarn, frontman of Blur and Gorillaz (amongst other projects) and it seems very positive. The interview is printed with little authorial intervention, and is in a question/answer format.

Albarn spoke out about Blur and Gorillaz's future, stating (quote from Metro) :

Are Blur and Gorillaz both finished?

No. That comes from an article which was an interesting take on a very long conversation. I don’t know how we’ll feel when we play Hyde Park. Some days I feel one way and other days I feel the other. If you don’t see something as a career but as an important part of your life, you don’t know how you’re going to feel about it. We want to put on a great performance but nothing’s been said between us about the beginning or the end. 

What about Gorillaz? 

When Jamie  [Hewlett] and I have worked out our differences, I’m sure we’ll make another record. 

Will that be difficult? 

I don’t think so. We’ve been through too much together for it to be that big of a mountain to climb. We’ve just fallen out like mates do sometimes. I’m not the only person to fall out with mates and then make up again – everyone does it. 

Are you looking forward to the Hyde Park gig in August? 

Very much so. I love playing with Blur – it’s one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. At the same time, though, I don’t want to cock it all up by staying around too long and making a fool of myself. At 44, there’s a little trepidation about jumping around on stage but I love it. 

Were you happy with your  performance at the Brits? 

Yes. I went there to thank our manager, Chris Morrison, and to have a laugh. I enjoyed myself. We take ourselves a lot less seriously now in the context of things like awards. 

What’s the worst gig you’ve done?

There have been a few but when things did go wrong we immediately rectified them for the next night. One stage in Spain was blown away in a storm but we werent on it, thankfully. 

What are you proudest of achieving?

Pride isn’t something I indulge in. I think everything could have been better. I could definitely improve on my interview technique. 

Have you visited Alex James’s cheese farm? 

Yes I have. I’ve tasted his cheese. It’s very good. What can I say? I’m not a 
cheese expert but it tasted like cheese to me. 

What are people’s misconceptions of you? 

That everything that comes out of my mouth is serious. 

What’s been your most extravagant purchase?

I’ve bought a lot of bicycles over the years but mainly because they keep getting nicked. I don’t go too high-end, just keep it basic. I usually buy them from a shop on Golborne Road [west London] and they’ve seen a few of my bikes cycling down the road with someone else on them. Every time they see it happen, they say: ‘Damon will be in again to buy another one.’

His new interview with the Metro is quite a positive for Blur and Gorillaz fans. It offers a bit more hope amidst the recent rumours that Blur are splitting up again. These rumours were fuelled by myriad of comments from Damon, Graham, Dave and Alex about the uncertain future of Blur and the group’s “last’ gigs.

The Band, all together, with a fan
Plus, Gorillaz is not over...yet. Is Damon saying that there will be a new Gorillaz album? Then he and Jamie Hewlett’s arguments are over? Or will Damon continue to change his mind, in each separate interview he does? It seems all positive here, yet again.

The thing is, Damon seems insecure in recent interviews. He has to stop thinking Blur's all about jumping around and making a racket on stage - it's about the music. Sure, stage antics are fun to watch, and jumping around does show energy. But Damon, it's ok if you just sing, and play "music for the ears".

Maybe it all depends on Damon’s mood – feeling low? No more Blur. Feeling alright? Blur and Gorillaz are back. Or perhaps the “Blur’s future” response “hat” that Graham talked about recently exists. Pick and choose your answer.

Feeling moody, Damon ? 
However, this interview definitely sparked new hope in fans, who thought that the band’s over for good after Hyde Park 2012. It’s a much more hopeful piece of evidence that Blur’s still going strong. 

It just goes to show that, with Damon, anything really, really could happen.

Download and listen to the full Damon Albarn / Stuart Maconie interview by CLICKING HERE (credits to Gorillaz Unofficial). Damon talks about Blur and Dr Dee.

Click HERE to read the full Metro interview, where Damon speaks more on Dr. Dee 

Leave a comment below and vote in our poll - what do you think of Blur's return - is it truly "to the end", or will they remain musically "young and lovely" ?
Read Damon's full Guardian interview deeming the end of Blur HERE

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April 24, 2012

Tickets for the African Express Train ? Damon Albarn reveals new tour plans

The London Olympics start in less than 100 days, and one of the key players in the event, Damon Albarn, has revealed that there will be a third London 2012 Olympic related project.

Damon Albarn has stated in a BBC 4 interview that his new project after the summer Hyde Park gigs will be called the "African Express Train". The ensemble of African musicians, along with Albarn and others, will "travel across the UK" and play music in places including Doncaster and Bradford. They will be playing "concerts in the evening" and be visiting schools.

African Express is Albarn's side projects, and its noted for it's diverse mix of Western and African talents. It's the epitome of Albarn's collaborative spirits, and love of African music which grew after the last Blur album Think Tank, in 2003.

So, it seems that Damon is getting on with Dr Dee and it's album release, playing with Blur this summer and then start touring with African Express - it seems 2012 will be, as usual, a varied year for Damon's many projects.

If the African Express Train tour is in place, it is likely that Blur, Albarn's first commercially successful band, may not be making any new material for a long time.

Where's the Blur train heading too? Has it already reached it's final destination, the Olympics 2012 ?

Listen to his interview HERE (from 9:00 - 13:00 mins)

Read Damon's full Guardian interview deeming the end of Blur HERE
Read all about Blur being BASHED AT THE BRITS (Adele!) HERE
Read all about Blur talking about their bleak future HERE
New "tear jerker" song HERE and check out their newest track Under the Westway HERE and read our REVIEW HERE.

If you missed old news, visit the NEWS ARCHIVE to read about past news!

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Stay Tuned and Get The Latest Blur News delivered straight to you- BlurBalls is the most updated Blur fan site on the internet! 

Also email subscribe to receive the latest news on everything Blur, Gorillaz, Damon Albarn and Graham Coxon! 

April 22, 2012

Damon Albarn talks Dr Dee and gives exclusive commentary

Damon Albarn performed and showcased his new opera Dr Dee at Onefest on April 14th 2012. The full length album of the opera, inspired by mathematician John Dee, will be available in stores on the 7th May 2012. For fans who didn't go, one can view some well-shot pictures of the festival HERE.

Credits to Derren Nugent, Safeconcerts
The album's sounds are different to any other Albarn projects in the past. Critics have described it as a folk-ish album with mixtures of The Good, The Bad and The Queen (Damon's previous take on more traditional English music) and the piano-ballad styles of Blur's new track Under The Westway.

Damon also gave an exclusive track by track commentary of his new release. He talks about each song and it follows with a little snippet of the individual track. You can listen to it on DIY's website (click here).

And finally, Damon Albarn will appear on the Stuart Maconie show TONIGHT (April 22nd 2012) at 8:00pm UK time, to speak about his eclectic musical contributions, Blur, and present an exclusive live on-air performance of his Dr Dee opera.

As quoted from the BBC4 page: First premiered at last year's Manchester International Festival, Dr Dee tells the story of John Dee; mathematician, astronomer, occultist and advisor to Elizabeth I. Recorded last year in Salford with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, the opera sets Dee's story to a sonic backdrop of early English period instrumentation, African beats, and Renaissance flourishes, described by Albarn as "strange, pastoral folk".

Tonight, Stuart will talk in depth to Damon about the opera, his recent production work with Bobby Womack, his collaboration with Tony Allen and Flea from The Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Rocket Juice & The Moon - and most importantly, the future of Blur.

You can listen to the show at 8:00pm UK Time by clicking HERE.

Read Damon's full Guardian interview deeming the end of Blur HERE
Read all about Blur being BASHED AT THE BRITS (Adele!) HERE
Read all about Blur talking about their bleak future HERE
New "tear jerker" song HERE and check out their newest track Under the Westway HERE and read our REVIEW HERE.

If you missed old news, visit the NEWS ARCHIVE to read about past news!

Remember to subscribe to RSS and "LIKE" BlurBalls on Facebook.

Stay Tuned and Get The Latest Blur News delivered straight to you- BlurBalls is the most updated Blur fan site on the internet! 

Also email subscribe to receive the latest news on everything Blur, Gorillaz, Damon Albarn and Graham Coxon! 

April 19, 2012

Blur to release mega 21 disc box set ... its all a blur!

BLUR NEWS: An exciting announcement on Blur's official Facebook page...

To celebrate 21 years since the release of Leisure... a new box set is to be released along with expanded remastered albums & a new vinyl box. There is a lot of info to take in with 21 discs of material (over 3 hours of unreleased material) included in box alone - so we've created a page which gives you more in depth info.....#blur21

Blur 21: The Box
A deluxe 21 disc set, featuring

  • All seven newly expanded Special Editions
  • Four discs of rarities, exclusive to this set. Includes 3½ hours of previously unreleased material
  • Three DVDs including over 2 hours of previously unreleased footage. Includes two pivotal live shows and an exclusive disc of video rarities.
  • Collectable 7" single of the rare and previously unreleased live recording of the Seymour-era Blur song Superman.
  • Deluxe hard-bound book telling the story of Blur's 21 year career with extensive liner notes based on a brand new interviews with the band, illustrated with imagery of the era, including some previously unseen photos.

Blur 21: The Vinyl Box

All seven vinyl formats of the Blur albums are collected together for The Vinyl Box and housed in a sturdy hard case, presenting the definitive collection of Blur vinyl.

Special Edition boxes of all seven studio albums, each with bonus disc of material that includes previously unreleased extras, exclusive Blur artwork postcards, expanded booklets including previously unseen photographs and liner notes based on a brand new interview with the band.

The set is out on July 30th 2012. Pre-order your box set or vinyl set HERE

April 15, 2012

Blur continues to give mixed messages about reunion

Damon Albarn had an in depth interview for The Word magazine this week. The interview offered many insights into Blur's future and Albarn's relationship with the rest of the band. But it also gave more mixed messages about Blur's future; the singer recently said to The Guardian that Blur's "end" is approaching and that Hyde Park 2012 may be their last ever gig

Scroll down and click to open the scans of the interview. Credit goes to Gorillaz-Unofficial for the scans. 

Thanks again to Gorillaz Unofficial for transcribing the Blur parts. Scroll down to read what Damon said about Blur, Adele, Alex's five kids, getting fatter, keeping off weight (!) and their 2012 comeback... 

Here's my grand theory about Damon Albarn. It's precisely because you are so in touch with that creative flow that you can drop in and out of Blur in a way that Morrissey and Robert Plant or Ian Brown or Paul Weller never can do with the bands that launched them. Your own work is never threatened, never overshadowed. 

That is it exactly and I know it's a very unusual situation to be in. But that's completely accidental, I assure you. I just love music and I love making it and I'm adventurous, so why should anything else overshadow something I do? Of course I respect Blur enormously, and that's why it's always good to go back to them. Writing that song was important as it felt like I was contributing to a real band again. It's a chord sequence I've had for years - it's such a standard chord sequence, I thought it was too obvious to use. I wrote it, lightheartedly, as an idea for a national anthem I was going to write for my house in Devon and that whole beautiful area by the sea. The idea was to have one copy, one record I'd keep on a wind-up gramaphone, and play it as I hoisted the flag. Obviously I never got round to it! I started it as, "There was a bright sky in my city today..." It was when the cold spell was coming, so it talks about snow and that beautiful moment when the planes come in at sunset and they turn into comets. So it's about the Westway too. The lyrics were written upstairs too. The men in yellow jackets are in it. In the song they're putting adverts in my dreams (grimaces). That's a scary though. People just walking into your dream and holding up a sign that reads, "NIKE". 

That day is coming soon. 

I know and I always enjoyed it in Blur when we had songs like The Universal, which seemed very strange and at odds with the spirit of the times, but now they're these dystopian anthems. 

Are the rest of Blur like distant family members now? 

There is definitely an element of that, but, honestly, I still feel like I always did making music with Graham. We started together and we still have that magic, and that's really nice. But we've also had a decade of not talking to each other. Nothing just arrives. If you want to stay in a band and do good stuff, it's a very hard road. 

Your relationship with Graham goes back to childhood - not many people get to share that kind of history. 

I suppose not, but we don't dwell on it. I'm just really glad that we got the band back together in 2008. That was the healing that we needed. But Blur had to have a reason each time it comes to life. It can't just because people have bills to pay. 

You would refuse to take part under those circumstances? 

Absolutely. I have done. I could be an incredibly wealthy man. I'm not a badly off man anyway, but I could be far wealthier than I am if I'd agreed to all the things that we've been offered and if I worked to those principles. But Blur has to be special; it has to have a joy for me to make it work. 

But that's tricky because you might be in a better position than anyone else in Blur to pay your bills? 

Well (very long pause) that's because I go to work at ten o'clock and finish at five, five days a week. It's my job! We all have our own situations. Alex has five children. That is extraordinary to me (very long pause) but, of course, that's wonderful and I'm proud of him. Dave is nearly a lawyer now; he has this amazing alter ego. Everyone works very hard in Blur. But I also work with a lot of other people. 

The three other members of Blur seem a bit more damaged by the experience than you. 

That's true. But I have made life a lot harder for people in a lot of other ways. You can't compare experiences. I'm reluctant to do that. The older you get, the more you realise that it's the same for everyone. When we were at the Brits I was conscious of how there were all these people who were about 25, then this massive gap until people like us. With Coldplay in the middle. (pause) and that's their business. 

That's where they're comfortable. 

Well, exactly. When you first put a record out and it does well, your sense of entitlement become incredible. The first thing you ever did and everyone's into it! Naturally you then assume that everything you do will become of interest to people! 

And that's not quite the case, is it? 

Ha! No, that's such an illusion, I liked the way all these kids are all very excited about taking on the world. 

Do you remember what it felt like to be in a hot new band? 

I do remember that feeling - it's wonderful but it's an illusion. Being older and seeing it all in a very different light was a lot of fun. Singing This Is A Low with Guy Garvey was magical and I loved camping it up on the ramp. I really did! Once in a blue moon for that sort of thing is lovely, but you must never forget it's all an illusion. That's why ritual in your life is important. Ritual can feel different at different times in your life, but that's why you maintain it, so that it does give you these super-sensitive reflections of who you are and where you are. 


Let's talk about your Brit Awards speech, which certainly split opinion. 

Well, that's why I agreed to do it in the first place! Hand on heart, I did it so I could thank a lot of people especially [his and Blur's manager] Chris Morrison, his contribution to our lives. He's been an important player and a good operator and a great friend. 

Poor old Adele though? 

Yeah, but that's nothing to do with me. We were standing there like lemons waiting for the curtain to come up. I'd have been quite happy to wait another two minutes and let her finish her speech. I didn't mind. None of us were bothered by that at all. 


How do you feel about closing the Olympics? Blur have now been positioned as the single most emblematic English band. You are representing your country! 

Yes, yes, that's all true. But I don't think about it too much. I don't think about it too much at all. All I know is I have to be fighting weight and I have to be able to hit all the top notes. What's really important is that there's enough spark left in the material to make for some real drama and joy on the day itself. To make all that work I have to be pretty fit these days. 

Does that get harder? 

No, not at all! It's great. It's just a wonderful excuse to be strong.


This particular interview seems much more friendlier and positive than the Guardian one (click to read). Blur's future may not be as bleak as it looks after all, unless of course Damon changes his mind again. 

Additionally, Graham Coxon did an interview for the Manchester Evening News on April 13th, and at the end he says of Blur "Now the pressure is off and people are used to us being back it feels nice again' and ' Blur are capable of a lot of really interesting stuff, so it's really healthy, and we can do what we feel like doing, we're not forced to get on the treadmill. It's a great situation". 

Blur forumer Jonathans offers an interesting theory - "Can we allow for the possibility that Damon is actually doing something quite sensible; taking the classic denial route which means that eventually people stop asking about a blur comeback and leave the band to get on with it quietly, or at least decide in their own time what they want to do next. Personally, I think it makes sense to stonewall the topic and let things happen, if they happen, when they happen." 

Makes sense, we think. 

Read Damon's full Guardian interview deeming the end of Blur HERE
Read all about Blur being BASHED AT THE BRITS (Adele!) HERE
Read all about Blur talking about their bleak future HERE
New "tear jerker" song HERE and check out their newest track Under the Westway HERE and read our REVIEW HERE.

If you missed old news, visit the NEWS ARCHIVE to read about past news!

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